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Check both of my Old and New Covenants above. At the left of both screens you will see a down arrow where you can see all my updated films. I am working on 20 at a time because both Old and New Covenant scriptures are intertwined. The Whale of Jonah by the way travels 360 degrees around the text from the front to the back of the text. The Sign of Jonah is given in every generation in this corrupt and evil world run by Satan's gangsters with the intelligence the size of corpse-maggots and do they not stink - phew. There are many, many, whale films I am working on and these have to do with the importance of the preaching of the prophets of the Old Covenant and the disciples of Christ in the New Covenant - and since of course. The whale refers to a wall of sound and vision only the eternal and living God can execute inside of an individual called out of this corrupt world. In each generation this last 2000 years, 2 eternal days to Almighty God, the Sign of Jonah has been given as the sign to unlock all the other signs in Holy Scripture. Remember, Christ would only give the corrupt wealthy rulers and their religious counterparts the Sign of Jonah knowing they had zero chance at all of working it out - nothing new under the sun is there! The opposite of poverty is utter greed, however, the bishops sitting on thrones and living in mansions and palaces profoundly disagree, as David Cameron and the Archbishop of Canterbury confirmed: "The more tax you pay the harder you are working." Along with the Pagan Monarch, poverty is inevitable, as Christ offered, and still does to the rich rulers: "Sell all your possessions, share equally with the poor, and have eternal wealth." And again the Living Lord Jesus Says: "They will injure and then kill you like they did to me for preaching eternal light and Truth - against Satan's slaves." Like a stuck record the pagan monarch's speech: "My Government will bring great wealth to my country." The pagan monarch will never own a single atom on this universe, it is written: "I, God, created everything in the earth, under it and above it. I created everything above the oceans and under them." Christ taught his disciples to wipe the dust off their feet as a testimony against Satan's slaves that it is impossible to own anything in this life - you come in this world with nothing and you leave with nothing. Pagan Britain believes their brain-dead rememberances of war heroes is more important than Almighty God's only sacrifice given to sinners - the brain-dead bastards have made pagan Britain the war-memorial garden center of this corrupt world by setting up countless war-memorial gardens so that their 3-pound brains full of shit can remember the victims names, (which is impossible), instead of remembering, as God does, the names of the bastard sacks of shit who sent them to war. For example, 50,000 innocent men, women, and children, in Dresden, in Germany, in WWII, were carpet bombed, God remembers all their names, they were victims of war especially the little children running around in the schools and hospital wards, clothes burning, their eyes filled with smoke and bumping into each other knowing not what wrong they had done. In pagan Britain the bastards spend billions upon billions on remembering their superheroes while overlooking the crime of poverty. According to the worthless wealthy bastard rulers there is no difference between wealthy sport and war - the brain-dead see heroes out of wealthy sportsmen - notice how the pagan multi-billionaire monarchy involves itself in royal boxes, royal patronages, royal appearances, royal ignorance of the crime of poverty and the lawless ignorance of it. Almighty God has made it easy for the wealthy rulers to wipe the shit off their arses with all of his commandments: "You break one law - you break all of them." in other words 'You will not kill' is rejected with all commandments for the three letter word 'God is love' meaning a rich ruler can park his arse on a poor babies mouth, and shit into its mouth continually all its life - never mind, 'God is love.' In Satan's snakepit, Westminster Abbey, millions of the most worthless sacks of shit to have ever lived have been glorified by bastard bishops vomiting gangrenous bilge-shit on rulers wearing military uniforms in the snakepit, (who are they preparing to war with?), making the King of Peace, the most evilest bastard to have ever lived.

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The Three Taverns is full of films, text, and images in glorious color-coded Holy Scriptures
in the original Hebrew and Greek languages, written on our hearts by the sovereign Holy Spirit.
The Three Tombs, is exactly what it says and part of what we disciples go through in serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Royden John Elson
Roy Elson

Engineered by: The Three Taverns. 2024